Sunday, July 4, 2010

Random Blog

I spent some time getting my page together. This is not my first blog and the settings mimic my other blog. The other one is a personal blog, but it will not be as personal and thorough as this one. I have started writing poetry again. I used to write it all the time. I left my notebook in my car (oops)! I am too lazy to walk down the stairs and out to my car. It's late and I am not feeling that.

Saturday is the BIG day when I officially become Mrs. Lewis. I love how that sounds. I am one of those people who never wanted to get married and never wanted children. That changed when I had my daughter. I had to think more serious about life and the direction I wanted to go. I love my daughter and him just like I love myself. I mean it is a given that I love my daughter, but it's a big step for me to give myself 100% to someone else. I am 26 years old. I been in relationships, but nothing like this. It is a wonderful feeling.

Some insecurities I had as a kid always surface. I been wearing glasses since I was in first grade. I am talking about BIG glasses. I am not ashamed of them like I used to be. There were times when I was afraid to walk out of the house, because people teased and stared. Other kids can be so mean. That's why I teach my child to look for other things to determine if she wants to be someone's friend. (I better not hear about her teasing NO ONE. Not in my house. I do not approve.) Even if I have to be like Cliff Huxtable with his many stories. I moved on from that stage and found that inner beautiful Shanita. And I found out she is the best friend and kinda funny. I do love myself.

Many people need to stop dwelling on their imperfections and get to know themselves. The purpose of this blog is to just say that. Since getting over that hurdle I have found flaws in myself, but they are fixable.


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