I am back after a very long hiatus. I wasn't meaning to go this long without posting, but I have to get my job all figured out. I have even more styles to show. I am a braider, but I have been trying out other styles on my daughter. I think since I blogged last, I had another daughter. :) So from here on out I will be referring to my 9 year old as Jay and my 1 year old as Han. Here is a picture of the new baby. She was a couple weeks or so.
She now has a full head of hair. I comb her hair every 3 days, because she pulls at it and rubs her hair on the sheets at night.
Because I have been away for so long, here is an updated style of Jay.
The bun on top was 2 strand twisted and rolled with standard rollers. I didn't get pictures of the finished product, but you get the idea.
Hope you enjoyed my welcome back post. Be looking out for another soon!
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